Monday, September 29, 2014

Eatin Dirt

The other day I flew.
Or I almost flew but then I got scared,
And so I fell forward and skid across the gravel
In a moment I was reminded of the mortal I am
Cause that shit HURRRRT
But in that next moment I thought about the immortal I am
And it gave me a rush
Made me wanna do some more thrillin stuff
Cause life lately has lost some of the... idk. Maybe I just lost zeal
And I hate that I find it in things that probably aren't the best for me
Like causing chaos
Getting arrested by police
Or simply
But fuck it. Love fast die young was once the mantra
However I'm prone to live forever
Just not in this physical state and I'm cool with that
I'm working on my 8th life
(Secretly I'm a cat and curiosity will in fact kill me)

Long story short
... I'm still sore

And I was soooo afraid that my nipples were gone as I was "flying" across the ground

But they were there when I looked, safe and sound

But I got an opportunity to lay on a table and chill with this tree

I don't know why suddenly my phone is underlining everything

But that's my story. It ended nicely, I met a gardener named Lona and she gave me some okra. Turns out I like raw okra. 


Shed some light